
24 Movie Reviews

3 w/ Responses

Really liked it

I didn't know where you were headed with it... because this is newgrounds, but I thing you did a fantastic job making a cohesive story. Beginning, middle, end, and a brilliant ending at that. I also liked how you centered on "coffee mug's" story instead of Donny. You don't even learn about Donny's problem, not a even a hint and I'm perfectly OK with that. I'm trying to come up with some kind of constructive criticism, but I don't have anything to say. Awesome job, you definitely know how to tell a story and you know how to tell it well. Also of note, I liked some of the items in the scenery, such as the Death cereal and for whatever reason I really liked the use of the dog coming in and uplifting coffee mug's spirits. I immediately became attached to coffee mug when he went riding off on the dog because coffee mug is happy once if you give him a purpose, doesn't matter who or what is giving him a purpose, he is happy. I thought coffee mug was going to realize what an all time low he was at when a dog was drinking out of him, but you turned that around and put a very well delivered spin on it. Good work.

super creepy

your whole universe is just so grey and dismal, which is your kind of style, not ragging on you for it, but its just so weird and eerie. The whole speech communicator thing was a nice little device, and hearing the guy talk at the end was just... it reached a new level in terms of this is seriously being f'd up. But I'm guessing the plot of this was that the guy 'grew' some sort of friend which he prized as art, but was sacrificing himself yet in an act of selfishness, mans best friend, the dog, gave his up so that his master(?) could love and appreciate his new found growth... Which raises the point of why didn't he just try another type of flower or why are there tumor seeds and such at a grocery store... but again its your universe and I'm just trying to understand it, from a writers point of view :)
Other than that, nice job and still... you're work is freaking scary as heck...

Sibby with a twist

It was an awesome story with action scenes that will probably make a nice edition to newgrounds. The... 'hero robot' kinda reminded me of alien hominid, buggy eyes, no speech, and weird little mouth. Yep, I kinda like the idea of a mechanized little fellow running around blowing up stuff. Just keep up the originality.


Irod bad was better,,, you know why? Because he was made of IRON!!! I liked this one but yea just keep doing what your doing, its a hit and miss type of thing. Irod bad was cool and this one was definatly under it, but funny none the less.


I read through the other reviews and thank god I'm not the only one who recognizes the three caballeros song. The other animations were great but that single animation took the cake and thats why it got a 10/10-5/5. Such a genious idea...
*sigh* made my day :)
I look forward to the next volume.

pretty sweet

nothing out of the ordinary, same old sticks coming out of everywhere just to get blown up or killed, but what caught me was the helicopter and the jet pack, nice work with those.
By the way, were you using powerstone character voices on the sticks?

very very long

I watched it all the way through and I honestly felt like I was watching harvest moon characters, because of all the cutesy animations. I liked it, the only thing was it was way long... but thats OK. Also, was wondering if he can make anything else besides the shapes and a bubble jet propulsion motor and pull pencils from out of no where....
And I think I'd be mad rich if I could invent a peice of paper that could reflect the sun's light :)
later, keep up the good work.

old just became funny again

the facial expressions combined with the music and the dancing animations is what made this movie amazing. This is probably one of the VERY FEW 300 spoofs I actually liked and laughed at. Oh man, good times. But for serious sake, dont make another 300 flash, it will just ruin it... even more :)

Sh0T-D0wN responds:

Ah Leonidas and your crazy faces.

I might make another, not until after Easter though.

Thanks for reviewing.

another awsome idea come to life

the whole thing was pretty cool. its on par with the first one and the only reason you got a 9 is for lack of boobs.... yea you know what I'm talking about. I really liked the shark tank bit: "left, right, take one step back, no a smaller step" and then he didn't even use it. Points for originality.

lively and fluent

Very detailed. The best part was when he stuck his staff in the ground, the pause in the music, and then the quick pick-up when the grass came in. Creative and fun for those who like nature and not your average explosion/has to have a moral to it kinda story. I'd like to say persue more of this wizard kinda gendre, but that would ruin the simplicity of this flash. I can pretty much say there were no problems and to continue making flash with your veteran and experienced skills. The only thing was... too short, but I guess in the long run, it just fits that way.

Age 36, Male


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